East Texas Tour 2023

Join Houston Mod as we venture behind the Pine Curtain for a modern architecture tour including sites in Nacogdoches, Lufkin, Diboll, and San Augustine.

Our travels will be led by: Stephen Fox, Architectural Historian and Master Mod, Perky Beisel, PhD, SFASU Professor of History, Nacogdoches Historic Landmark Preservation Committee Board Member, and FoHNI member, Judy Kugle, Nacogdoches Historic Landmark Preservation Committee Board Member and FoHNI member. 
The tour will begin on Friday afternoon (driving and walking) and continue all day Saturday with a city-wide tour (driving and walking). We will depart at 2:00 PM on Friday from an East Texas location to be announced, in either Lufkin or Nacogdoches.

We will caravan together in our vehicles, staying in touch by cellphone, vs. group travel in vans – think CARPOOL!
Sunday is on your own; however, the Houston Mod tour crew will likely lead an optional Sunday morning caravan to pack in a few more sites, prior to heading back to Houston.

A long list of commercial and residential sites on the tour includes:

Fredonia Hotel  1955, J. N. MacCammon (Dallas) and Carlos B. Schoeppl (Miami)
President’s House, SFASU  1957, Shirley Simons (Tyler)
Tucker House (SFASU Piney Woods Native Plant Center)  1939, Raiford Stripling (San Augustine)
Lufkin National Bank Building  Wilbur Kent; MacKie & Kamrath (Houston), consulting architect
First Christian Church  1954, Wilbur Kent
T. L. L. Temple Memorial Library  1965, John Desmond (Baton Rouge)

The Fredonia Hotel will serve as the tour home base, with the nearby La Pension and other options listed below.  Rooms should be booked individually as soon as you’re ready to commit!
Please note that transportation to and from the tour locale, lodging, and daily meals are not included in the ticket price. Please pay for tickets via PayPal to info@houstonmod.org or mail a check payable to Houston Mod, P.O. Box 541353, Houston, TX 77254.

Email any tour questions to Houston Mod at info@houstonmod.org.