Corpus Christi Mod Tour

Houston Mod is pleased to invite you to join us for two days of architectural touring in Corpus Christi, Texas on Friday, February 15th and Saturday, February 16th, 2019. This is a continuation of our Mod in Texas tours, originating with Rio Grande Valley mod tours in 2016 and 2017.

Architectural historian and Master Mod Stephen Fox will lead a walking tour of downtown Corpus Christi on Friday afternoon, and a van tour on Saturday exploring modern design across the city. 

The Best Western Marina Grand designed by architect Richard Colley (1966) will serve as the tour home base. Rooms should be booked individually and are currently available for approximately $130+tax per night. Please note that transportation to and from Corpus Christi, lodging, and daily meals are not included in the ticket price.

Tickets are $55 for Houston Mod Members and $70 for Non-Members.

Please email any tour questions to Houston Mod at